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Xfce Terminal / Terminal Emulator - save tabs config
July 19, 2024
Usually there is a need to save tabs and its folder locations of Terminal to avoid routine everyday actions. There is a different terminals (Windows Terminal is my fav for Win 10), some of them has option to save tabs settings, some of them can't.
In case of Xfce Terminal we have an option to use command line to resolve this issue.
Man is the man, as usual .)
man xfce4-terminal
Tons of interesting things there, but for me this simple line is enough
xfce4-terminal --maximize -T "HOST OS" --working-directory=/home/ijin --tab -T "!! GUEST OS !!" --working-directory=/home/ijin/vagrant-vms/tatuin
Added that to launcher and that is it. Fix paths and tab names for yourself.


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