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sudo apt install flameshot
Nothing special, but, so long dear Shutter .)
Only missing "active window only" screenshot option, but it isn't critical.
interface & tools smaple/example

keyboard setup hotkey (XFCE) example

Usually there is a need to save tabs and its folder locations of Terminal to avoid routine everyday actions. There is a different terminals (Windows Terminal is my fav for Win 10), some of them has option to save tabs settings, some of them can't.
In case of Xfce Terminal we have an option to use command line to resolve this issue.
Man is the man, as usual .)
man xfce4-terminal
Tons of interesting things there, but for me this simple line is enough
xfce4-terminal --maximize -T "HOST OS" --working-directory=/home/ijin --tab -T "!! GUEST OS !!" --working-directory=/home/ijin/vagrant-vms/tatuin
Added that to launcher and that is it. Fix paths and tab names for yourself.

How cool is your linux music player should be? As for me - i prefer minimal quantity of "cool features", playlists from folders, basic controls sometimes equaliser and that's it. DeaDBeeF is my choice. It simply works. Long live to project.

Visual studio code
August 06, 2016 1
I'm really impressed and super surprised. Don't know how happened that i've missed that before. Microsoft looks alive again. Linux & MacOS supported (!!!). WOW. Try it. Give it a chance.

На самом деле утилитка существует уже очень давно, просто как-то пока caffeine работал - альтернатив я не искал. В йосемите начались какие-то глюки с иконкой (в "трее"), разработчики забили что-то делать с кафеином ещё с 2010 года и в общем пришлось найти альтернативу. Вот офсайт InsomniaX, на данный момент актуальная версия 2.1.8 пользуюсь дней 10, проблем пока не заметил. Из плюсов
  1. "вечная бессонница", то есть вообще незасыпающий режим
  2. возможность установить таймер на отключение, через 100 минут например
  3. возможность устанавливать глобальные хоткеи для слипа
Просто работает.
