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screen + mc + vim - broken colors in terminal/console
July 19, 2024
Long time ago i've faced annoying issue with colors under screen/tmux.
Googling a lot i've found that i'm not alone with this.
In short, colors in apps under screen (im active fan of this app) are significantly broken. I've changed color schemes, terminal settings like
term "screen-256color"
term "xterm-256color"
, hacks of terminal files ..and so on. That issue killed a lot of time and nervous. Solution, as usual, was simple and even "stupid". I'm not sure how that was found, i was thinking about same thing but can't reverse that to understand what was happening.
Finally solution was found here: (thanks a LOT btw)
Fix in my case looks like this:
# vim ~/.bash_aliases OR vim ~/.profile OR ENEN vim ~/.bashrc
# force cleanup of this var
Screenshots with description of issue below
No screen, simple xfce terminal - OK

Broken colors, mc loaded under screen

That painfull pre-set variable

vim ~/.bash_aliases

Saved, restarted terminal, run screen, run mc - colors fixed.


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