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1. First, open up a Gmail tab. You must do this from the Gmail tab, not your html5rocks one. :)
2. Open your javascript console (cmd-opt-j on Mac, ctrl-shift-j on Windows or Linux) and enter:
Accept the confirmation from the browser.
3. Click this mailto: link to test out your new Gmail mailto hookup!

Original article by Paul Irish

How cool is your linux music player should be? As for me - i prefer minimal quantity of "cool features", playlists from folders, basic controls sometimes equaliser and that's it. DeaDBeeF is my choice. It simply works. Long live to project.

Visual studio code
August 06, 2016 1
I'm really impressed and super surprised. Don't know how happened that i've missed that before. Microsoft looks alive again. Linux & MacOS supported (!!!). WOW. Try it. Give it a chance.

Simply change one setting in locale config
sudo vim /usr/share/i18n/locales/en_US
Find section
week    7;19971130;7
first_weekday	1
first_workday	2
Set first_weekday equal 2.
sudo locale-gen
Restart (full or XFCE session).

Sometimes it's conveniently to set up default server, that gonna try to serve request by default. Originally, if your server got a request by IP address (for example) and can't get any requested hostname, it takes first server description from your config and tries to serve request with this server.
You can change this behavior. It's really easy. Just use default_server parameter, like this.
server {
    listen      80 default_server;
